How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

The conclusion to research paper is the most important part of your research paper. It is here that you sum up what you have learned about the topic, as well as provide some recommendations for future research. The introduction, body, and conclusion all work together to shape your ideas into a coherent whole.

In this article, you will be provided with information on the best conclusion steps for a research paper.

What does a research paper conclusion mean?

The conclusion is a short sentence or two that sums up your main points, restates the thesis statement, and provides a final thought about the topic. It should be easy to read and may be set off by other parts of your paper.

When writing different types of conclusion, it is important to make sure that you end on an upbeat note; this will help readers feel positive about what they have learned from reading your paper. For example: “In conclusion, I would like to say that [insert topic] has many benefits.”

Conclusion writing tips

When writing your conclusion, you should try to summarize the main points of your paper. The conclusion is also where you want to tie up any loose ends and make sure that everything has been covered in its entirety. Consider how your points relate to each other, as well as how they fit into your overall argumentative structure. 

Furthermore, in a good conclusion outline for research paper, it is best not to include too much opinion here; instead, stick with facts and evidence from sources like textbooks or online articles if possible (this will help ensure that readers can find what they need).

Also, keep in mind that while this section may seem like detail at first glance—even though it may be necessary for understanding—it should still be clear and concise when read by someone unfamiliar with the details in your paper.

How to start a conclusion in a research paper

To start a conclusion, you should:

  • Introduce the topic and restate your thesis.
  • Summarize the main points.
  • Provide a brief overview of the evidence supporting your thesis.

In addition to these steps, you can also include a final statement about how your research supports or refutes an argument.

How to end a research paper

When you are done with your research paper, your conclusion should be a summary of your paper. It can be a simple statement about what you have learned or it can be more complex and point out what you think is important about your topic. 

You will need to provide some kind of closure at the end of your paper—and this is where it gets tricky. How do you end your essays? Here are some ways that have been found useful:

  • Provide a final thought or question.
  • Reference key points from throughout the body text.
  • Thesis Statement: summarize what was said earlier in greater detail than before so that readers will know exactly where they stand on your argument.

Tips for a research paper conclusion example

Your conclusion should be written in a way that is easy to understand. You should also include the most important points of your research paper and make sure that it is relevant to the topic, as well as useful for future reference.

The following example will show how you should end your research paper:

  • Use quotes from other people who have written on similar topics before you.
  • Highlight the relevance of your argument.


Conclusion writing is one of the most challenging parts of an essay. It is not just about how you can express your ideas but it is about how you can make your audience feel the same way. You need to know what kind of impression you want to give out so that they get inspired by what you are saying and take action accordingly.

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