learn how to write academic papers with us Thu, 21 Sep 2023 16:50:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper Mon, 26 Sep 2022 07:45:09 +0000 The conclusion to research paper is the most important part of your research paper. It is here that you sum up what you have learned about the topic, as well as provide some recommendations for future research. The introduction, body, and conclusion all work together to shape your ideas into a coherent whole.

In this article, you will be provided with information on the best conclusion steps for a research paper.

What does a research paper conclusion mean?

The conclusion is a short sentence or two that sums up your main points, restates the thesis statement, and provides a final thought about the topic. It should be easy to read and may be set off by other parts of your paper.

When writing different types of conclusion, it is important to make sure that you end on an upbeat note; this will help readers feel positive about what they have learned from reading your paper. For example: “In conclusion, I would like to say that [insert topic] has many benefits.”

Conclusion writing tips

When writing your conclusion, you should try to summarize the main points of your paper. The conclusion is also where you want to tie up any loose ends and make sure that everything has been covered in its entirety. Consider how your points relate to each other, as well as how they fit into your overall argumentative structure. 

Furthermore, in a good conclusion outline for research paper, it is best not to include too much opinion here; instead, stick with facts and evidence from sources like textbooks or online articles if possible (this will help ensure that readers can find what they need).

Also, keep in mind that while this section may seem like detail at first glance—even though it may be necessary for understanding—it should still be clear and concise when read by someone unfamiliar with the details in your paper.

How to start a conclusion in a research paper

To start a conclusion, you should:

  • Introduce the topic and restate your thesis.
  • Summarize the main points.
  • Provide a brief overview of the evidence supporting your thesis.

In addition to these steps, you can also include a final statement about how your research supports or refutes an argument.

How to end a research paper

When you are done with your research paper, your conclusion should be a summary of your paper. It can be a simple statement about what you have learned or it can be more complex and point out what you think is important about your topic. 

You will need to provide some kind of closure at the end of your paper—and this is where it gets tricky. How do you end your essays? Here are some ways that have been found useful:

  • Provide a final thought or question.
  • Reference key points from throughout the body text.
  • Thesis Statement: summarize what was said earlier in greater detail than before so that readers will know exactly where they stand on your argument.

Tips for a research paper conclusion example

Your conclusion should be written in a way that is easy to understand. You should also include the most important points of your research paper and make sure that it is relevant to the topic, as well as useful for future reference.

The following example will show how you should end your research paper:

  • Use quotes from other people who have written on similar topics before you.
  • Highlight the relevance of your argument.


Conclusion writing is one of the most challenging parts of an essay. It is not just about how you can express your ideas but it is about how you can make your audience feel the same way. You need to know what kind of impression you want to give out so that they get inspired by what you are saying and take action accordingly.

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MLA Quick Guide to Citation & Format Mon, 26 Sep 2022 07:44:36 +0000 The most common format for an academic paper is the MLA format. This style guide has been used for decades and is still a popular option among many students. However, if you are new to academic writing and need help formatting your paper properly, this guide can help.

This article will walk you through the basics of using MLA headings and MLA outline format in your research project or thesis paper so that you can make sure it looks professional once published online or printed out on paper.

What does MLA stand for?

MLA format is a style of formatting for citing sources in research papers, and it is used in many English-speaking countries. The Modern Language Association (MLA) was founded in 1883.

MLA format outline

Writing an MLA outline for your research paper is similar to other forms of writing which include a thesis statement, headings, and subheadings. The major difference is in the formatting of titles, paragraphs, spacing, font sizes, and so on.

MLA title format

  • The title of your research paper should be capitalized and italicized if the sources are self-contained and independent.
  • Do not use a period after your title.
  • It should be double-spaced.
  • The first word of a title is capitalized, but not if it is a subtitle or subtitle phrase; this includes words like “and,” “but,” or “however.”

MLA format spacing

When you format a paper in MLA style, there are some basic guidelines to follow:

  • Always use double-spacing in the whole academic paper.
  • Setting your space is quite simple: go to the “Paragraph” section of your “Format” menu. Or you check the “Layout” menu if you are using Word.

Margins in MLA format

Margins are the blank spaces around a text. For the MLA writing style, they should be 1 inch on all sides, including the top and bottom. The margin is not included in your page count; it is simply there to allow us to see how much space you need for your citations and references.

How to cite multiple authors MLA

If there are more than three authors, list only the first author’s last name and replace the other names with the phrase “et al.” – this means “others” in Latin. As seen, a period is always used after “al” in “et al.”

What font size is MLA format?

The typical font size used in MLA style is 12 pt. 

For your font style use either Times New Roman, a serif font, or a sans serif font for the body of your paper. These are the most common type of font, and it is what you will see in publications like The New York Times or Washington Post. Serif fonts have small tails on their lowercase letters (the ones that flare out from each letter), whereas sans serif fonts feature clean lines without these decorative elements.

Abbreviations used in MLA format outlines and notes

MLA abbreviations are formatted according to the guidelines set by the Modern Language Association. To cite an item, you’ll need to use one of these two formats:

  • An acronym or abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase that has been formed by excluding letters from their full form. When writing in MLA style, use an abbreviation in its full form, with the shortened version enclosed in a bracket next to the full form.
  • Avoid using periods or spaces between letters in an abbreviation that consists of capital letters (for instance: Ph.D.)
  • Use periods and space on initials that make up a person’s full surname (such as J. K. Rowling)
  • Avoid using periods on abbreviations that completely make up a person’s full name (such as JFK) 


If you follow these guidelines for MLA citation formatting, then your paper will be easy to read and understand. In addition, it will give your paper more credibility than other papers that may have been written using different formatting styles. Remember that the MLA page number format requires all page numbers to be 11/2 inches from the top.

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College Research Paper Outline, Format & Writing Guide Mon, 05 Sep 2022 12:09:50 +0000 Writing a college paper is a big part of the academic life of most students. There are different types of college papers, however, all college papers are research papers that students write as part of their coursework at the college level. College papers are often assigned by your professor or teacher, but you can also submit them for extra credit if you want additional recognition from your instructors.

This article will guide you on how to head a college paper effectively and accurately. 

Writing paper for college: outline

An outline is a guide for how you will write your paper. It is like a map that shows you where each section of your essay will go and what information it will include.

A good outline can help you stay on track when writing a college essay or research paper because it gives an overview of what information will go where in your piece; this makes it easy to keep track of everything that needs adding or subtracting from an already long document.

The first thing you need to do when writing an outline is deciding what kind of paper it is: an expository (explain), persuasive (convince), or comparison/contrast essay. Then, based on those choices, decide whether or not there will be any thesis statement or topic sentence in the first paragraph; this can help give context as well as structure for later sections of the paper. Once these decisions have been made, create an outline that includes all relevant points from each category above.

An outline typically includes:

  • Brainstorming and selecting a topic
  • Brainstorming some supporting details
  • Labeling your ideas
  • Writing an introduction (usually one paragraph): this should include a hook – to get your reader’s attention. A preview of the main idea, and a thesis statement.
  • Writing your body of supporting ideas (usually three paragraphs – one for each main supporting idea)
  • Writing your conclusion (usually one paragraph): here you restate and reflect on your main idea/thesis, tie your ideas together, and wrap it up in a coherent manner.

How to format college papers

The following is a basic outline for writing a college paper:

  • Title Page (2-3 lines): this is also known as your college paper heading
  • Abstract (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Main Body (5-8 paragraphs)
  • References (1-2 pages)
  • Appendices/Bibliography/Glossary

The first page of your paper should be the title page, which contains the title of your paper and its date. This page also contains information about who you are, where you are from, and what degree you are studying in. If necessary, make sure that this page has correct margins (1 inch) and spacing (1/2 inch).

The abstract is a summary of what is happening in your research paper; it can be as long as 100 words or less depending on how much information needs to be conveyed succinctly without being too long-winded or boring for readers. 

The main body follows logically with each paragraph, beginning with topic sentences followed by supporting arguments until an overall point is reached in the concluding section.

Your references should contain the reliable sources you used during your research. This is an important part of your academic paper as it provides your readers with additional information.

Tips for writing papers in college

Although there are different types of papers in collegeyou can use the same tips to accurately write them satisfactorily. Some of these tips include:

  • Starting with a thesis statement.
  • Using strong evidence to support your thesis.
  • Ensuring the use of the correct writing style guide that is required of you (APA, MLA, or Chicago style format).


The process of writing a college paper is an important one, so you need to master the writing process. The above guide will help you in outlining your paper and write good content that will help you get more marks in your final exam or assignment.

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How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper: Guide Mon, 05 Sep 2022 12:05:49 +0000 What is the abstract section of a research paper? This is simply a summary of the main ideas in a research paper that is usually found at the beginning of your research paper. It serves as an introduction to what you plan to cover in more detail.

Abstracts are the first thing that a reader sees when they open your essay, so you must write them well. However, many students struggle with how much content they should include in their abstracts. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to write an abstract for a research paper.

What is the purpose of an abstract?

An abstract should be written in such a way that it will make readers want to read your full paper, which means it is important for you to include enough details about how each section relates to one another so readers can easily follow along with their understanding of your work as they go through it.

The abstract is used in many ways:

  • It is used as a teaser for potential readers before they read your entire paper.
  • It can be used by editors and reviewers at journals to determine whether or not there is enough merit behind its publication.
  • It can also be used by other academics who may want to cite yours as an example.

A research paper is a key element of your academic career. It is also an important part of writing a good thesis or dissertation. You should write an abstract when you have completed your research and are ready to submit it. 

How long are abstracts?

The average length of a research paper is between 5,000 and 6,000 words. It is important to know how many words you should write in your abstract. However, there are no hard and fast rules. The length typically depends on the assignment, type of paper, and topic. The average length is often between 150 to 250 words (excluding list items).

What should be included in an abstract for a research paper?

When writing an abstract for a research paper, it is important to keep in mind the following points:

  • The abstract should be written concisely and formally.
  • The abstract should be written in the third person.
  • The abstract should be written in an active voice.
  • The abstract should use present tense, past tense, or both depending on what is being discussed or described by your subject matter.

Abstracts and introductions: understanding the difference

The abstract is an overview of the paper, whereas the introduction is the opening paragraph of the paper. Your abstract should come first because it contains all essential information about your research and what you are going to cover in your research paper. The different types of abstract include informative, descriptive, critical, and highlight abstracts.

The introduction should be short but detailed enough to briefly outline your key ideas for your paper.

Research paper abstract format

Different services offer abstract writing online services. However, it is often best to write on your own. 

The best way of writing an effective abstract is by keeping these three things in mind:

  • Make sure that each sentence has one topic only (e.g., “Our findings suggest…”). This will help keep things organized and make it easier for readers.
  • Use simple language whenever possible; avoid technical jargon if possible because most people do not understand huge terms. Use simple words and phrases that convey key points about your research topic. 
  • Use tools such as [Google Docs], which allows users to create their documents and formats. 


There are many different types of abstracts to choose from. The most important thing is to make sure they present your research clearly and concisely. The best way to ensure this is by following the above guidelines when writing yours.

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